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来源:学大教育     时间:2014-05-16 12:58:15


1. John___ come to see us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet. A. may B. can C. has to D. must

2. You___ go and see a doctor at once because you're got a fever. A. can B. must C. dare D. would

3. -He__ be in the classroom . -No, he___ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago.

A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; can't D. may; mustn't

4. You ___ be late for school again next time.

A. mustn't B. needn't C. don't have to D. don't need to

5. -Must I do my homework at once -No, you___.

A. needn't B. mustn't C. can't D. may not

6. His arm is all right. He___ go and see the doctor.

A. has not to B. don't have to C. haven't to D. doesn't have to

7. You'd better ___ your hair ___ once a month.

A. had; cut B. had; cutted C. have; cut D. have; cutted

8. You___ ask that man over there. Maybe he knows the way.

A. had better not to B. had not better C. had better D. had better not

9. You___ worry about your son. He will get well soon. A. needn't B. can't C. mustn't D. have to

10.The poor man needs our help, ___ he? A. need B. needn't C. does D. doesn't


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